Product Return Procedure

  • Products that are incorrectly ordered or mis-delivered by us, found to be defective at first use, are returned within 7 days from the date of sale.
  • The return process takes place after the product to be returned is sent to Poli art design center by informing the reason for the return, and the reason for the return is approved and accepted by our company.
  • The products to be returned must be delivered in their original box, complete and undamaged with their standard accessories.
  • Software products that have been unpacked and/or whose license agreement has been used are not refundable.
  • The shipping cost of the returns sent by courier is paid by the customer.
  • After your product return is accepted, the invoice amount will be credited to your account.

Payment Return Procedure

  • If the return of any of your purchases is accepted, your payment will be made to your account within 10 working days after the confirmation of your return.

Cancellation Procedure

  • Please contact us at the phone numbers or e-mail address specified in the company’s contact information within 3 hours from the moment you confirm your order cancellations.
  • In case of order cancellation before the cargo reaches the BUYER refunds will be made within 7 working days.

Delivery: Delivery time refers to the delivery of the order confirmation e-mail to the cargo company within 48 hours after sending.

In regions where the Cargo company delivers once a week, there may be a delay in the specified day in cases such as inaccuracies or deficiencies in the shipping information, some social events and natural disasters. If the product is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the BUYER, Poli art design cannot be held responsible for the extra shipping costs that may arise from the person/organization not accepting the delivery, inaccuracy in the shipping information and/or the buyer’s absence.

In order to avoid delivery problems, verify that the delivery address registered in our system is complete and complete. In case of address change, edit your new address in the “My Information” section.